Search Results for: Projects
Little Arches Boutique Hotel Barbados
Sea Breeze Beach House
Yellow Bird Hotel
Mont Rochelle Hotel
Friendship Force Reaches Out through PfaP
Inspired by a photo of a new teacher in Van with her students, our Friendship Force Tour of Turkey ended with a slow surge through Istanbul commuter traffic up to...Continue reading
Eagle Scout Project Benefits Women and Children in Peru
This past spring my family and I decided to take a trip to visit our friends in Lima, Peru. I thought this might be a good opportunity to work on...Continue reading
Students Cruise, Learn and Pack for a Purpose
by Angela Leimer Every spring students from Purdue University Calumet have the option of signing up for the Hospitality and Tourism Management, Educational Study Cruise. While taking this course the...Continue reading
Sloan Fellows CoMIT to “Improve the World”
On May 20, 2012, 100 mid-career executives from 27 countries around the world — the 2012 class of MIT’s Sloan School of Management Sloan Fellows in Innovation and Global Leadership...Continue reading
PfaP Honeymoon Happiness
Thanks Pack for a Purpose for enriching our wedding and honeymoon experience! My now husband and I announced our engagement in July 2011, and for the following months were excitedly...Continue reading