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From Communities

PfaP Travelers “Dive” into Literacy

Thanks to the generosity of our guests at the Solomon Island Dive Expeditions, we were able to donated 20kg of books to the Literacy League. This supported two local schools along with the public library in Honiara. Lots of happy school children! Thanks to Pack for a Purpose for helping us create this program!Continue reading

Supplies Provided by PfaP Travelers are Measured in Smiles in Jamaica

His eyes do nothing to hide the curiosity and joy he is feeling. He laughs without reservation as he shows me a drawing of an orange and I tell him his orange is the best drawing I’ve ever seen. Little Shaquille attends Mount Edgecombe Primary School in St. Ann, Jamaica. The school is one of... Continue reading

A Bucket List Filled With Generosity

Retired Diana and Cliff Cunningham are visiting South Africa as part of their bucket list. After 9 months of planning, we were surprised when they contacted us to tell us they handmade 155 pencil cases for the Dingani Primary students in Zimbabwe. As part of our responsible tourism initiative Grow Africa, all our guests can... Continue reading

BVI Benefits from PfaP Supplies

Mainsail Lodging & Development is proud to Pack for a Purpose! Items collected at Mainsail’s Corporate office were brought down to Scrub Island Resort, Spa & Marina by Mainsail Lodging & Development’s Vice President, Juli Corlew. Based in Tampa, Florida, Mainsail Lodging & Development has been in business for nearly 20 years. Scrub Island is... Continue reading

From Surfboards to Blackboards: PfaP Travelers Make a Big Impact at Safari Surf School

The end of another school year quickly approaches families in the United States. With it, mounds of old lunch boxes, scribbled folders, used Ziploc’s, pens and tethered backpacks collect on the shelves and in the corners of houses all across America. Do we worry about reclaiming and re-using any of these items? Hardly ever. Why hold onto pencils... Continue reading

PfaP Supplies Hit the Road in Ecuador

We wish to extend our profound thanks to all of our customers who have spared a little extra room in the luggage to bring school supplies to donate to the schools on our tour routes. Today we made large deliveries of puzzles, soccer balls, and school supplies to the schools in the hamlet of El... Continue reading

Sweet Success at the Sugar Cane Club Hotel & Spa

On February 8th, a Big Impact was made at Rowland Edwards’ primary school by two generous PfaP travelers. This school is the project supported by the Sugar Cane Club Hotel and Spa. We admire their commitment to community and are pleased they have chosen to be Pack for a Purpose participants so we can showcase... Continue reading

What Color is Joy?

As one of the newest PfaP interns, I was very excited when I was invited (based on my passion for writing) to create a fictional story about Pack for a Purpose. Spending the early years of my childhood in the Virgin Islands, I couldn’t wait to put my writing talents to good use to come... Continue reading

Pack for a Purpose Supplies for Song Saa Stimulate Student Success

Here at Song Saa, we are so proud and grateful to be members of Pack for a Purpose. In the last three years our incredibly generous resort guests have packed a vast amount of donations, including educational supplies, sports equipment, clothing, toothbrushes, and toys, all of which have gone to help local communities in the... Continue reading