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Packing for a Purpose is a wonderful family activity that all members can participate in. When families choose to Pack for a Purpose, it enhances their trip by creating more meaningful memories. Gratitude is a lesson well- modeled at even the earliest of ages.

Monika’s Story

My 17-year-old son and I decided to go to India this summer, including visiting Mumbai for six days. I decided that we should try to find some good project to donate things to during our visit. I found out from internet searches that you could take tours in Dharavi slum area with Reality Tours & Travel,... Continue reading

PfaP Provides Meaningful Memories During Caribbean Cruise

Can a cruise ship passenger make a difference instead of just an impact? Our family travels frequently, and sometimes our travels take us on a cruise as one of the easiest ways to visit islands. But I’ve always struggled with the idea that some of the larger cruise ships we’ve sailed on might be making... Continue reading

The Hirsh Family’s Story

For the last five years, the Hirsh family has vacationed at Half Moon in Jamaica. This is the second year that we have Packed for a Purpose. We were so happy to be able to involve our granddaughters who are seven and five years old in this wonderful philanthropic endeavor. We went shopping together and... Continue reading

Impactful Trip Inspires Grandchildren

My husband and I visited Turks and Caicos about 15 years ago and fell in love with Grace Bay. We have been married for 44 years and over these years we have been very fortunate to be able to travel. Growing up, we did not have the opportunity to travel much, so on our first... Continue reading

PfaP as a Random Act of Kindness

A day spent doing random acts of kindness, April 1st two years ago, was a turning point for me in my grief. I lost my husband Doug in a helicopter training accident on September 20th, 2009. My son had just turned one and I had just celebrated my 35th birthday the day before. April 1st... Continue reading

One Family, One Goal- PfaP in Africa

This past summer, we traveled with our family to southern Africa. We’d been begging to go on this trip for what seemed like ages, and finally, it was just around the corner. We had safaris, a cage dive, excursions, and all other activities under the sun planned for this trip of a lifetime. However, we... Continue reading

Sara Lubowitz’s Story

We travelled to South Africa in August 2014. My 11 year old daughter and I went to visit relatives and go on Safari in Kruger park. I was so pleased when I found out about Pack for a Purpose. I wanted us not just to be tourists. I wanted my daughter learn about South Africa.... Continue reading

Cheryl Roder- Quill’s Story

Last month, my son, husband and I (plus my parents) spent two weeks in South Africa. In the past, I have made a point of packing an extra bag of school supplies, books, art supplies, puzzles, etc… (previously on trips to South Africa and Zambia). Prior to leaving on holiday, I went online in search... Continue reading

Brothers Busker & Bake to Pack for a Purpose in Costa Rica!

Packing for a Purpose is often a family affair involving both adults and children. Travel is always an enhancing experience and a wonderful way to enrich children’s lives. The experience helps inform and enlarge their worldview. Pack for a Purpose traveling families often tell us about how much more meaningful their trip was by bringing... Continue reading

PfaP Transforms Travelers in Kenya

Prior to our trip to Kenya with extended family and friends, we spoke with our travel agent. Our travel agent told us, “You should try to keep your safari luggage down to a carry-on and a backpack per person… Pack simple,” which made sense.  He also included in our itinerary the link for Pack for... Continue reading