Dario’s Story
I knew the twin island nation of Antigua and Barbuda were hit hard by Hurricanes Irma and Maria and I wanted to do something to help. After doing some research I found Pack for a Purpose. I chose this organization because they provided me with a list of exactly what was needed and I felt... Continue reading
Dawn’s Story
I was introduced to Pack for a Purpose on our November 2014 cruise. Another member of the cruise organized a group of us to bring school supplies—which we did. We then booked a cruise for May 2015, and I was the organizer. I provided fellow cruisers with information about the program and we had a... Continue reading
From Canada to the Caribbean: 1st PfaP Wedding in Antigua Benefits Local School
We love to travel. I imagine that this was instilled in me as a child when I would accompany my parents to the country of their birth, Antigua & Barbuda, every couple of years for several weeks each summer. I know that my husband only realized the possibilities travel opens to you on his first trip... Continue reading