Camping Supplies
Nancy’s Story
I’ve been a fan of PfaP for some time and try to take requested supplies whenever I go to Africa on safari. This time I was thrilled to see that Ol Donyo was requesting supplies for the anti-poaching rhino rangers. I took 96 batteries, 3 “torches” (aka flashlights) and a used Nikon CoolPix camera (along... Continue reading
Hans’ Story
When planning our trip to the famous Victoria Falls Safari Lodge, I learned that the Victoria Falls Antipoaching Unit is in need of digital cameras. As I had two Nikon cameras that I did not use anymore the decision was rapidly taken: Pack it for this purpose!Continue reading
An Amazing Adventure in Africa
We were so blessed to have the assistance of Pack for a Purpose and its founder, Rebecca, as we prepared for our upcoming trip to Africa. Going to Africa was a dream of mine for so long, and I had put away an article about Pack for a Purpose in my “someday travel to Africa”... Continue reading