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PfaP’s Big Impact on the Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort

The elegant Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort sits on 2,000 acres of historical plantation land. It’s bordered by one of the most wonderful organizations on the island – Fundashon Amigunan di Cristo. Fundashon Amigunan di Cristo is an afterschool project for children from low-income or impoverished homes to gather and find fun, love and... Continue reading

Canadians Pack for a Purpose in Curacao

We are delighted to share this story posted by our participant, Avila Beach Hotel on Curacao. Our belief that travelers can add meaning to their trips and make a Big Impact is constantly affirmed by stories like this. Meet our hotel guest Laura Batey from Flamborough Travel Plus (Canada). She and 19 escorting women visited... Continue reading

Kristi’s Story

    Sisterhood and service are two of the hallmarks that brought our group of 8 ladies together. Whether we had known each other for a day or a decade, the passion for traveling (and packing) for a purpose was a common one. We are so happy to have been able to participate with Pack... Continue reading

Amanda’s Story

I recently traveled to Curacao. When I booked Santa Barbara Beach Resort, I read about PfaP. I said to myself, “What amazing program and the perfect opportunity to participate in a great cause!” I think I packed more for a purpose than I did for the beach!Continue reading

PfaP Creates Meaningful Giving Opportunities for Families

In our family, we subscribe to the belief that experience is the best teacher. However, it has been a struggle to find appropriate and meaningful opportunities to engage our brood of three children ages 4, 7 and 9 in activities that cultivate their inner global citizen. We’ve tried bake sales and lemonade stands to fundraise for causes,... Continue reading

The Ritz Studios ‘Seas’ Success

It’s another beautiful Saturday morning in Curacao, where the sun always shines… I glance down the driveway leading up to The Ritz Studios reception and see a group of about 10 people with assorted bags and backpacks walking toward me. It’s obvious that they are tourists but not your typical guest with a wheeled suitcase.... Continue reading

Aziel’s Story

My wife and I started a tradition to travel somewhere different every year that we are married. This year we picked Curacao. When we found out about Pack for Purpose, we immediately thought of how great it would be to make some extra room in our luggage and bring some school supplies to the children.... Continue reading

PfaP Partners Supply Sports Equipment

Pack for a Purpose is delighted to share this story from Curacao. Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort has been partnered with PfaP since 2014, and we are glad to see our connections coming together to make a Big Impact for children at the Divi Divi school. Read the full story below from Ilona Faas... Continue reading

Tanya’s Story

My family and I went to Curacao this past Christmas and stayed at the Santa Barbara Beach and Golf Resort. Instead of buying presents for each other we thought that taking the trip would be a great experience and buying gifts for children in Curacao would be the best gift of all. It was great... Continue reading

PfaP Wedding Provides for Children in Curacao

Weddings are always a time of major planning. However, Darrell and I wanted to spend less time planning and more time celebrating with friends and family. Based on this desire, we decided to have a destination wedding. Curacao would be the place. We informed family and friends and the countdown began. The main question that... Continue reading