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donating supplies

Sweet Supplies from PfaP Travelers Arrive at Sugar Cane Club Hotel and Spa

You’re excited about your long overdue trip to Barbados and even more excited about the prospect of staying at Sugar Cane Club Hotel & Spa. You’ve packed your essentials, and are ready to go, but hold on, could you be forgetting something? Unzip those suitcases, make some room, and let’s “Pack for a Purpose!” When... Continue reading

Kim’s Story

Our family from Hong Kong and Malaysia went on a wonderful eight-day safari in northern Tanzania this month. As none of the lodges in our itinerary were signed up with Pack for a Purpose, I emailed PfaP to inquire how I could participate. Rebecca Rothney, the founder, suggested (as we were spending the first night... Continue reading

PfaP Supplies Enrich Usevya Youth Education Centre

Nomad Tanzania became a participant in Pack for a Purpose more than three-and-a-half years ago. We were very pleased to have this distinguished company, with their outstanding reputation, join our initiative. Their generous guests continue to take supplies for the projects they support in both northern and southern Tanzania. Chada Katavi Camp’s project, the Usevya... Continue reading

Student-to-Student Supplies Surprise and Delight in Nicaragua

Within six weeks of joining the Pack for a Purpose family, Aqua Wellness Resort got a booking request from a group of Wisconsin high-school students and their chaperones who were visiting Nicaragua in the summer. When we confirmed their reservation, we sent them to the Aqua page on the Pack for a Purpose website. By... Continue reading

Alexa’s Story

Hi! I’m Alexa and I’m a part of the Beaches Teen Advisory Panel. Just recently we as a panel all got to Pack for a Purpose and head to Turks and Caicos. My sister and I each packed a backpack full of school goods and brought it to the Beaches Resort we were staying at.... Continue reading

With Pack for a Purpose, ‘Somethings Become Everythings’

“Pack for a Purpose.” The name is more than a title. It is a suggestion, a request, an invitation to invest something small that unfolds from a crowded dark into a greater good. “Small Space. Little Effort. Big Impact.” I have always believed that the little things are the things that matter the most. And... Continue reading

Sajan Shroff’s Story

This summer my family and I took a trip to Fiji. To find an orphanage to support in Fiji, I went to Pack for a Purpose, and I found Treasure House Children’s Home, an orphanage located in Nadi.  Treasure House currently serves 37 children ages 2-18 and are in dire need of supplies. To organize... Continue reading

One Year with Pack for a Purpose

A year has passed since Blue Water Divers joined the Pack for a Purpose project and visitors to Grand Turk have been delighted to participate! We received our first donations from Kevin and Drew Ayres on May 13, 2014, and Shaleza Rouse and her family on May 29, 2014. Since then, 24 more guests and... Continue reading

An Amazing Adventure in Africa

We were so blessed to have the assistance of Pack for a Purpose and its founder, Rebecca, as we prepared for our upcoming trip to Africa. Going to Africa was a dream of mine for so long, and I had put away an article about Pack for a Purpose in my “someday travel to Africa”... Continue reading

Supplies Fly to Yellow Bird Hotel

Although it has only been a few short months, the Yellow Bird Hotel, located in the vibrant St. Lawrence Gap, is extremely excited to be a part of the Pack for a Purpose program. As of March 2015, we have asked our guests to assist us in this very worthy cause. With nothing but kind hearts and... Continue reading