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Friendship Force Reaches Out through PfaP

Inspired by a photo of a new teacher in Van with her students, our Friendship Force Tour of Turkey ended with a slow surge through Istanbul commuter traffic up to the Ritz Carlton Hotel, our Pack for a Purpose drop off point for a Van school located almost 1,000 miles away. The comparison between this... Continue reading

Rebecca Sheed’s Story

I love working with Pack for a Purpose.  My recent trip to Romania was made even better when I found a  company  among the Pack for a Purpose supporters.  I had made arrangements with Click2Travel Romania to come to my hotel to pick up the supplies I’d brought – wow! Talk about service.  As we... Continue reading

PfaP Travelers Spread Generosity Across Oceans and Continents

  Pack for a Purpose may be headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, but PfaP travelers cross continents and oceans to deliver their supplies. PfaP travelers have a common thread—their belief that every trip they take can go much farther than the miles they travel. A generous PfaP traveler from Brazil named Eleonora Packed for a Purpose... Continue reading

Jane’s Story

I Packed for a Purpose and took 15 pounds of school supplies to Istanbul, Turkey. That’s 15 pounds of souvenirs I could bring back to the states. I dropped the supplies off at The Ritz-Carlton and was treated to lunch and tea, totally unexpected. My travel mates wished they heard of you, so I am doing my best to... Continue reading

Becky Shedd’s Story

My husband and I signed up for a 10-day organized tour of Turkey. I immediately checked to see if there was a Pack for a Purpose destination and found it in Istanbul.  I assumed we would have some free time to make the connection. We asked our guide how to get from our hotel across... Continue reading