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25 Years Later, PfaP Enhances Postponed Honeymoon

Our story begins when Tim and I got married 25 years ago. We were young and really didn’t have money for a honeymoon, so we postponed it for a while. One year turned into another. Then, we had a baby girl, Katherine and 5 years later another girl, Sydney. Our dream vacation always took a... Continue reading

“One Love” Many PfaP Beneficiaries

How Our One Love Wedding Theme Grew into Something Beautiful When my husband and I got engaged, it was only natural that the theme of our wedding and all related celebrations has been One Love. We aren’t wealthy people; we live a modest lifestyle, and we enjoy life most when we’re sharing joy and happiness... Continue reading

Honeymoon Help, “PfaPing” in Zanzibar

As we planned our honeymoon to Zanzibar, my husband and I had relaxation on our minds! Although we married in August, we chose to travel over the holidays in December. The extra planning time also came in handy, as we knew we wanted to find a positive and memorable way to celebrate our new lives... Continue reading

PfaP Honeymoon Happiness

Thanks Pack for a Purpose for enriching our wedding and honeymoon experience! My now husband and I announced our engagement in July 2011, and for the following months were excitedly planning our big day, along with the ‘trip of a lifetime’ to Costa Rica for our honeymoon. One of the first accommodations we booked was... Continue reading

Increasing the Joy: Big Impact from your Big Day

Sharing the wonder of your wedding can be easily accomplished when you Pack for a Purpose before your honeymoon! With over 230 lodgings on our website, almost all of which have honeymoon accommodations, you can easily find a destination where generosity benefitting the local community can be part of a romantic honeymoon. It starts with... Continue reading