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Great Goings on in Grenada!

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you begin to ask yourself questions regarding the meaning of life, what is your purpose, and when you leave this planet, how do you want to be remembered? These are just some of the questions that the management team at Le Phare Bleu asked themselves during 2014.... Continue reading

PfaP Partner Participates

Su Holshausen at Lazy Lizard Travel has always packed with a purpose! Traveling back to her native Africa, Su has always delighted in carrying a soccer ball or school supplies to the communities supported by the various safari lodges. Then, Su discovered Pack for a Purpose and was delighted to know that an organization existed to coordinate such... Continue reading

Simply “Momalous” – Beaches Moms Make a Big impact in T&C

The 2014 Social Media on the Sand event held at Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages & Spa last weekend did more than allow the affectionately called “mommy bloggers” to enjoy a wonderful weekend in the Caribbean filled with breathtaking photos. The event showed their humanitarian side as well. Most, if not all of the... Continue reading

School Supplies at Sandos Finisterra Los Cabos

As you maybe aware, one of the worst hurricane to strike the Los Cabos area of Mexico hit this community on September 15th with devastating results. Sandos Finnisterra hopes to be able to reopen in early October. Now more than ever, they will need supplies for the community project they support.  Please be sure to... Continue reading

Belize Benefits from PfaP

Each year, Hamanasi Adventure and Dive Resort in Hopkins, Belize is able to donate nearly 200 backpacks, full to the brim with school supplies, to children from nearby villages through the Pack for a Purpose initiative. Before guests arrive, Hamanasi informs them about the Pack for a Purpose mission, asking travelers to use a little... Continue reading

Delivering Delight in the Dominican Republic

When Outback Adventures was founded 17 years ago, our goal was to ensure that every tourist that chooses our tour got to see a bit more of the real Dominican Republic than just the beautiful beaches and five star hotels. We work closely with farmers and producing families to maintain a fair trade market. We... Continue reading

One Accommodation Makes a Big Impact!

As the first and currently only accommodation on Anguilla to participate with Pack for a Purpose, Frangipani Beach Resort has been thrilled with the wonderful response from our generous guests to give back to the local community. We delivered our second installment of supplies to Anguilla’s Blowing Point Youth Development Center and got to chat with some... Continue reading

PfaP’s Partners Participate!

Vacationing won’t ever quite be the same now that we’ve Packed For A Purpose. I run LuxuryLink.com, an online marketplace for great deals on luxury vacations. I know vacations. I am at 25 countries and 34 states and love finding the next off the beaten path place to explore. Like many first-world travelers, I’ve always... Continue reading