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PfaP travelers

PfaP Travelers Share Their Success Stories

No matter where you’re coming from or going to, you can Pack for a Purpose. This is confirmed every month by the PfaP travelers who share their stories about how they added more meaning to their trips. In the month of November, three women from three different countries shared their PfaP success stories. Terri Stanfield,... Continue reading

The Perfect Hostess Gift

When I founded Pack for a Purpose seven years ago, I never thought of the initiative as a charity. For me, it was, and is, about providing travelers with the information they need to take the perfect hostess gift for the community they are visiting. Gratitude and graciousness pack easily. They take up no space... Continue reading

Praise for a PfaP Traveler

Becky Shedd is a PfaP traveler whose generous spirit and actions have made a Big Impact on two continents. Not only has Becky Packed for a Purpose in Turkey, but she also continued to spread the word about PfaP during her travels. Last year Becky visited Churchill, Canada, to see the polar bears and experience the wonders... Continue reading