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Shelia’s Story

My husband and I decided to take a much needed vacation to Barbados.  In the process of planning our trip I decided to see if there was a way for us to take some donations with us, I googled and Pack for a Purpose popped up.  I emailed and Rebecca got back to me right... Continue reading

Gracious Guests Deliver Kilos at Kwa Maritane

In today’s world where everything is computerized, we want everything faster and see it as better. I mean, you can order your groceries while driving to work and have them delivered before you get home. Life has become so convenient. We live in our own little fast track world with our own social life online... Continue reading

Marvelle’s Story

This year we saw the number of participants who answered my request to donate through Pack for a Purpose double! Sixteen members of our flotilla donated books, paper, paints, crayons and various other items requested by the Autism Centre in Tortola, British Virgin Islands. I personally witnessed a couple of our boaters arriving in the... Continue reading

One Teacher, One Trip, One Amazing Experience

Although my suitcase was full of supplies, it was so little in comparison to what I got back. While searching for things to do in Costa Rica, I decided that I would like to visit a school. I didn’t know if that was possible, but I thought I could give it a try. Because I’m... Continue reading

Susanne’s Story

I just returned from Tanzania and used more than the half of my free luggage (46 kg) with KLM for the Rehabilitaton Center in Usa River, supported by African View Lodges. I brought pens and pencils and dolls. I delivered them personally to the Center and was very impressed about the work they do with children... Continue reading

Debra’s Story

What a trip, safari in Botswana! This August, our family had the opportunity to Pack for a Purpose this summer. We were loaded up with school supplies and soccer balls. We delivered the supplies personally and met with the principal. Our four boys went into the classroom to meet the children that would receive the... Continue reading

Nature Bound Receives Bounty of Supplies

Plaster House

We here at Nature Bound Africa are delighted to be affiliated with Pack for a Purpose. Since we joined the program in 2013, hundreds of Tanzanian children have benefitted from the generosity of people visiting Tanzania. Travelers have brought items ranging from books and pens to clothing, toys, and sporting equipment. Our philosophy has always... Continue reading

Monika’s Story

My 17-year-old son and I decided to go to India this summer, including visiting Mumbai for six days. I decided that we should try to find some good project to donate things to during our visit. I found out from internet searches that you could take tours in Dharavi slum area with Reality Tours & Travel,... Continue reading

Sweet Supplies from PfaP Travelers Arrive at Sugar Cane Club Hotel and Spa

You’re excited about your long overdue trip to Barbados and even more excited about the prospect of staying at Sugar Cane Club Hotel & Spa. You’ve packed your essentials, and are ready to go, but hold on, could you be forgetting something? Unzip those suitcases, make some room, and let’s “Pack for a Purpose!” When... Continue reading

Kim’s Story

Our family from Hong Kong and Malaysia went on a wonderful eight-day safari in northern Tanzania this month. As none of the lodges in our itinerary were signed up with Pack for a Purpose, I emailed PfaP to inquire how I could participate. Rebecca Rothney, the founder, suggested (as we were spending the first night... Continue reading