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Aurora’s Story

My husband and I went to Tanzania and Kenya with two other couples in October/November 2015. We discovered Pack for a Purpose online and are so glad we did. We were able to take a large duffle bag of supplies and of the kind folks from AJT met us at Kilimanjaro Airport when we arrived.... Continue reading

Dana’s Story

Last summer my husband, Rich, and I joined a group of 23 teachers and family members for a trip of a lifetime on safari in Kenya and Tanzania. Prior to the trip, my husband and I did what we have been doing for some time and checked the Pack for a Purpose website to see... Continue reading

Susanne’s Story

I just returned from Tanzania and used more than the half of my free luggage (46 kg) with KLM for the Rehabilitaton Center in Usa River, supported by African View Lodges. I brought pens and pencils and dolls. I delivered them personally to the Center and was very impressed about the work they do with children... Continue reading

Nature Bound Receives Bounty of Supplies

Plaster House

We here at Nature Bound Africa are delighted to be affiliated with Pack for a Purpose. Since we joined the program in 2013, hundreds of Tanzanian children have benefitted from the generosity of people visiting Tanzania. Travelers have brought items ranging from books and pens to clothing, toys, and sporting equipment. Our philosophy has always... Continue reading

Kim’s Story

Our family from Hong Kong and Malaysia went on a wonderful eight-day safari in northern Tanzania this month. As none of the lodges in our itinerary were signed up with Pack for a Purpose, I emailed PfaP to inquire how I could participate. Rebecca Rothney, the founder, suggested (as we were spending the first night... Continue reading

PfaP Travelers Unite with World Unite!

Not long after World Unite! became part of the Pack for a Purpose initiative, we began to see its benefit to the communities we support. Our tour company offers intercultural learning opportunities in many countries including Tanzania, Zanzibar, Morocco, Israel, India, Nicaragua, and Bolivia. Pack for a Purpose is a great way to provide World... Continue reading

PfaP Supplies Enrich Usevya Youth Education Centre

Nomad Tanzania became a participant in Pack for a Purpose more than three-and-a-half years ago. We were very pleased to have this distinguished company, with their outstanding reputation, join our initiative. Their generous guests continue to take supplies for the projects they support in both northern and southern Tanzania. Chada Katavi Camp’s project, the Usevya... Continue reading

With Pack for a Purpose, ‘Somethings Become Everythings’

“Pack for a Purpose.” The name is more than a title. It is a suggestion, a request, an invitation to invest something small that unfolds from a crowded dark into a greater good. “Small Space. Little Effort. Big Impact.” I have always believed that the little things are the things that matter the most. And... Continue reading

Asante Sana, Tanzania

After 30 hours of sitting in airports and planes, my husband Scott and I arrived on a crisp, clear morning in Arusha (frequent flyer tickets are not always the most direct route to a destination). Our immediate joy was seeing all six suitcases of the supplies we had checked in Raleigh waiting for us. After... Continue reading

Preparing to PfaP in Tanzania

Every Pack for a Purpose trip that we undertake always begins with donations of supplies. For our trip to Tanzania, we were once again very fortunate to have several individuals, groups and companies who filled our six suitcases with the needs from each project’s list. Sharon Luggage, our longtime partner, provided us with suitcases that... Continue reading