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PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is delighted to welcome Lindsey Walston as our newest intern! I am a junior studying English at NC State University. I recently transferred to State after finishing two years at my local community college. Since I am already on a solid path to graduate next year, I wanted to find an internship... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is delighted that Valina Hassaram has chosen to become our newest volunteer! I am a senior at North Carolina State University, where I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations. I was looking for an internship in my field at a PR agency, and found... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is delighted to welcome our new intern, Reina Murayama. Reina is a senior English major at N.C. State. She received her first degree from Keio University in Japan and spent the next thirteen years in the corporate world. When her husband was moved to Raleigh in 2013, Reina decided to go... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

My name is Caroline Poole, and I will be a freshman next year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I heard about the opportunity to intern at Pack for a Purpose from previous interns who attend my high school. Because I will graduate with an International Diploma, I thought this internship would... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

PfaP is delighted to welcome Marcus Blyden as one of our 3 new outstanding interns this semester. I am proud to say that I am one of the newest Pack for a Purpose interns. With graduation looming over my head like a medieval guillotine, I was frantically sending out resumes for an internship for much-needed... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

PfaP is delighted to welcome Julia Carmody as one of our 3 new outstanding interns this semester. I’m a junior at North Carolina State University studying English with a minor in Business Administration. If there is one thing you need to know about me, it is that I am passionate about music, writing, and helping others.... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

PfaP is delighted to welcome Kensey Covert as one of our 3 new outstanding interns this semester. I am a Junior at Meredith College who discovered Pack for a Purpose through my Marketing professor, Dr. Mishra, when she encouraged the students to check out what Pack for a Purpose was all about. After seeing the... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is delighted to welcome Michael Rim, one of our newest interns! Michael is a junior at NC State University who started off at Pack for a Purpose as a volunteer and discovered Pack for a Purpose through the Career Development Center’s website, ePACK, at NCSU. After volunteering 30 hours, Michael realized... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is delighted to welcome one of our new interns for the Spring Semester, Sydni Collins! Sydni is a senior at NC State University and will be graduating in May. She found Pack for a Purpose through her internship program at NCSU.  Sydni studies Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

  Pack for a Purpose is delighted to welcome our newest intern, Elizabeth Hodges! Elizabeth discovered Pack for a Purpose on ePack while searching for an internship. Elizabeth interviewed for several internships before choosing to intern at Pack for a Purpose. Elizabeth expressed that, after all the interviews, Pack for a Purpose was the best... Continue reading