A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »

    Mantis Founders Lodge

    Many of the items on the needs list can be purchased locally and, as indicated, some items must be purchased locally. If you would like to buy the items locally or have us buy them and have them ready for you to see when you arrive, please contact us at isiphocharity.trust@gmail.com.


    The Isipho Day Care Centre serves 300 children from birth through 6 years old. The center is located in Paterson, Eastern Cape, South Africa is run and managed by the NPO, Isipho Charity Trust.

    Isipho Charity Trust leads the community of Paterson and the Eastern Cape in their fight against HIV/AIDS and the negative socio-economic effects of the disease.

    Using prevention, education, care, and support programs, Isipho Charity Trust unites, involves, and engages Paterson and communities across the Eastern Cape to lead the mobilisation, organisation, and empowerment of all community members who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.

    To provide therapeutic work in the living space of orphans and vulnerable children to enhance their cognitive, emotional, physical, spiritual and social development. To provide home and community-based care to all community members who are infected by HIV/AIDS or otherwise vulnerable.

    An asterisk (*) before an item indicates this item is most urgently needed.


    General School Supplies:
    Book Bags, Chalk, Colored Pencils, Glue Sticks, Pencils, and Pens

    Reference Materials:

    Flash Cards:
    Alphabet, Math, and Word

    Laminated Wall Charts:
    (English) Human Body, Language, Math, and World Maps

    Text/Reading Books:
    (English) Age-Appropriate Story Books, Biology, General Science, Health, and Language/Grammar

    Hesperian Health Guides:
    Community Guide to Environmental Health and HIV Health and Your Community (Only Available in English)

    Art Supplies:
    Craft Glue, Craft Scissors, Fashion Magazines, and Watercolor Brushes and Paints

    Computer Hardware/Software:
    Working Laptops

    Educational Games/Toys:
    *New or Gently Used Toys and *Stuffed Animals/Soft Toys

    Sports/Outdoor Activity:
    Jump Ropes, Netball/Basketballs, Soccer Balls,

    *New or Gently Used Children’s Clothing and Shoes and *Creche Uniforms (These uniforms must be purchased locally. If you choose to do this, the number of children and sizes will communicated with you by Founders Lodge. Please see the box at the top of this page for more information.)

    *Polar Fleece Blankets (These must be purchased locally from Pep. Please see the box at the top of this page for more information.)

    First Aid/Health:
    Antibiotic Ointment and Band-Aids

    Office Supplies:
    Markers, Pens, and Printer Paper

    Books about Gardening

    Foods That Can Be Purchased Locally:
    Canned Goods, Frozen Protein Foods, Margarine, Mielie Meal, Oats, Peanut Butter, Salt, Soup, and Sugar

    Health/Personal Grooming:
    Bars of Soap, Multivitamin Tablets, Vaseline, and Washing Powder

    Initiatives Supported

    All the needs are current as of August 14, 2024
    Note: Location is approximated. If you see a lodging that is misplaced or missing, please contact us .
    Mantis Founders Lodge

    Listed on this page are the specific needs requested by the community project(s) so you can choose exactly what to pack for a purpose and express your gratitude to the local community with the supplies you take them. If you prefer, you may reach out directly to them to inquire about items which may be available for purchase locally. Arranging visits to community projects is beyond the scope of our mission. If you wish to visit a project, contact the participant and they can let you know what is possible.

    Candy and balloons are not on the needs list as they are harmful for the children and the environment for the following reasons:
    • Few of the children benefiting from these projects have access to toothpaste, toothbrushes, or a dentist. The candy promotes cavities.
    • The balloons once they become deflated are a choking hazard for local wildlife.

    Instead of taking candy or balloons, use that space for additional requested supplies, as they are priceless.