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    Tour Company

    John Stevens Guided Safaris Africa


    The Zambezi Elephant Fund (ZEF) works collaboratively with the Zimbabwean government, NGOs and the private sector to develop, implement and manage: anti-poaching operations, field equipment and supplies for rangers and support teams, anti-poaching ranger training, conservation security planning and implementation, information systems and networking, and technology and systems for anti-poaching operations.

    Our vision is that the Zambezi Valley, in its entirety, will one day be a safe environment in which elephants and other wildlife can thrive, for the benefit of Zimbabwe and global biodiversity.

    An asterisk (*) before an item indicates this item is most urgently needed.


    Camping Supplies:
    *Camping Cutlery, *Duffel Bags, *Mosquito Nets, *Roll Mats, *Sleeping Bags, *Small Cooking Pots, and *Water Bottles

    Field Devices:
    Batteries of All Sizes, Binoculars, Small Digital Camera with Memory Stick, Handheld GPS, Hand Saws, Solar-Powered Working Laptops, and Torches/Flashlights

    Antiseptic Ointment/Powder, Band-Aids, Bandages for Wounds/Plasters, and Wash or Creams

    *Boots, New or Gently Used Sneakers/Trainers, and Socks

    Initiatives Supported

    All the needs are current as of May 14, 2024
    Note: Location is approximated. If you see a lodging that is misplaced or missing, please contact us .
    John Stevens Guided Safaris Africa

    Listed on this page are the specific needs requested by the community project(s) so you can choose exactly what to pack for a purpose and express your gratitude to the local community with the supplies you take them. If you prefer, you may reach out directly to them to inquire about items which may be available for purchase locally. Arranging visits to community projects is beyond the scope of our mission. If you wish to visit a project, contact the participant and they can let you know what is possible.

    Candy and balloons are not on the needs list as they are harmful for the children and the environment for the following reasons:
    • Few of the children benefiting from these projects have access to toothpaste, toothbrushes, or a dentist. The candy promotes cavities.
    • The balloons once they become deflated are a choking hazard for local wildlife.

    Instead of taking candy or balloons, use that space for additional requested supplies, as they are priceless.