Table Rock Jungle Lodge
Cristo Rey Primary School & St. Andrew’s Primary School serves 630 students from ages 3 through 13 years old regardless of gender, religion, and race.
In addition to basic school supplies, it’s been our goal to award a new or lightly used tablet or laptop to each school’s top graduates to help them in their studies in high school. High school in Belize is not mandatory, like primary school, and tuition is charged, making high school a very costly endeavor for most students and their families.
General School Supplies:
Book Bags, Colored Pencils, Dry-Erase Markers, Glue Sticks, Markers, Pencils, Pens, and Solar Calculators
Reference Materials:
(English) Dictionaries
Flash Cards:
(English and Spanish) Alphabet, Math, and Word
Text/Reading Books:
(English) Age-Appropriate Story Books
Art Supplies:
Acrylic Paints and Paint Brushes, Craft Glue, Craft Scissors, Watercolor Paints and Paint Brushes
Computer Hardware/Software:
Tablets and Working Laptops
Educational Games/Toys:
Bananagrams, Chess Sets, Connect Four, Puzzles, and Scrabble
Sports/Outdoor Activity:
Netball/Basketballs and Soccer Balls
New or Gently Used Children’s Shoes
First Aid/Health:
Antibiotic Ointment and Band-Aids
Office Supplies:
Printer Paper
Health/Personal Grooming:
Antibiotic Ointment and Band-Aids
Initiatives Supported
Listed on this page are the specific needs requested by the community project(s) so you can choose exactly what to pack for a purpose and express your gratitude to the local community with the supplies you take them. If you prefer, you may reach out directly to them to inquire about items which may be available for purchase locally. Arranging visits to community projects is beyond the scope of our mission. If you wish to visit a project, contact the participant and they can let you know what is possible.
Candy and balloons are not on the needs list as they are harmful for the children and the environment for the following reasons:
• Few of the children benefiting from these projects have access to toothpaste, toothbrushes, or a dentist. The candy promotes cavities.
• The balloons once they become deflated are a choking hazard for local wildlife.
Instead of taking candy or balloons, use that space for additional requested supplies, as they are priceless.