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PfaP Portraits

See some of the faces behind our all-volunteer organization. They have given generously and freely of their expertise and time. Their work continues to help Pack for a Purpose provide travelers with the information they need to help make a difference in the lives of children around the world.

Erik Macenas (Volunteer/Board Member)
 Erik Macenas received a phone call from a total stranger, Rebecca, in September of 2009. Erik was highly recommended by a friend who had been a client of his independent graphic design business in Wake Forest, North Carolina. Within five minutes of hearing about PfaP he agreed to generously offer his skills as a volunteer. Erik led the design team for the website and created our logo and support documents, such as our downloadable brochure and posters. He continues volunteering still by uploading the photos on each destination page and is on call for any other requests PfaP makes. Erik also graciously agreed to serve on our board.

Hazel Gooding (Volunteer)
PfaP was very fortunate to have Hazel Gooding as a volunteer throughout the summer of 2010. Hazel is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and holds two bachelor degrees in Political Science and International Studies with a concentration in International Politics and Western Europe. Upon graduation she worked as a Program Associate with the International Affairs Council (IAC), where she was able to put her passion for all things international into action. At an IAC function (Rebecca serves on the board), Hazel had a brief conversation with PfaP founder Rebecca Rothney, where she felt so moved by the idea and focus of Pack for a Purpose that she began volunteering here. Hazel is now in law school at Michigan State University College of Law, where she is pursuing her J.D. in International and Comparative Law.

Brittany Goodman (Intern)
PfaP is excited to have Brittany Goodman as the newest intern for the upcoming year. Brittany is currently a senior at Peace College in Raleigh, completing her studies in Mass Media Communications and Theatre. Brittany has previously done an internship with 4Children in London, England and has traveled and studied in South Korea, Japan, the United Kingdom, and several countries within Europe. After graduation in May, Brittany plans to pursue a career in International Journalism and continue her travels abroad and work with non-profit organizations. Brittany will be assisting with our first newsletter as well as creating a YouTube video promoting PfaP.

Karen Keith (Intern/Volunteer)
Karen is currently a senior at Meredith College and will graduate in May with a bachelors degree in Business Administration with minors in International Business and Marketing. She began her work at PfaP as an intern during the fall of 2010. Throughout her time as an intern with PfaP Karen became passionate about the great work PfaP does around the world. Karen worked with Rebecca to add more destinations to the PfaP website and brought the destination total from 62 to 95 in just 4 months. Even though Karen’s internship ended with PfaP, much to the joy of Rebecca she continues to work as a volunteer with hopes to assist in the growth of an organization she truly believes in.



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