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PfaP Wings Its Way to South Africa Again


Through the generous donation of PfaP travelers, the Wilderness Angels of Wilderness Safaris once again have been able to assist two community-based projects in Johannesburg. The Patterson Party, a group of eight incredibly generous guests, brought six duffel bags, weighing 23 kilograms each, full of warm clothing and school supplies. Michelle Pudu of the Wilderness Angels wrote the following: It is really and truly awesome! SA is having an exceptionally cold winter this year, so the warm clothes have come at a time of great need.


I had the pleasure of speaking with Kathy, one of the guests, after she returned from her trip. I wish we could have done even more, she said. Kathy is a stellar hunter and gatherer. She related to me that she went to a department store that had end-of-season children’s thermal underwear on a wall display. She spoke to the manager and told him for whom she intended to buy the thermal underwear. If I buy everything on the wall, what price can I have them for? she asked. While the underwear was usually priced at $25 per set, he gave them to her for $1.98 per set. Kathy repeated the process at another store where the manager let her have all the children’s Easter socks and shoes (now out of season)  for 25 cents apiece. Pack for a Purpose wants to commend not only the amazing generosity of the Patterson party, but also Kathy’s savvy shopping skills.

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