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Bounty in Belize

Karen Goldsmith shared her family story with us:

Before heading to Belize for a week-long adventure, we noticed that our second hotel partnered with Pack for a Purpose, and we just had to participate! My parents, husband, 11 year-old son, and I each packed two suitcases with a total of 55 lbs of supplies for the Succotz Primary School. We left one duffle bag there and used the other suitcase to carry souvenirs back home.

At our request, the Ka’ana Resort arranged for us to personally deliver the items with one of their staff members, who also happened to be a former student at the school. We were fortunate to meet the principal and secretary and to see firsthand how dedicated they and the teachers are to serving the students despite modest resources. As a result, we further committed to collecting and shipping a gently-used office computer along with sporting equipment, particularly much-needed baseball gloves. The male students are currently using old girls catcher’s gear, so we’ll also send newer boys gear, as well.

I am so grateful for your website and partnership with our hotel! We count the opportunity to give to the community as one of the most special parts of our vacation; it is right up there with our adventures in snorkeling, cave tubing and exploring Mayan ruins. The people of Belize provided our family with memories we will cherish for a lifetime. Giving just a little something back was the least we could do…so simple and meaningful! I wish we could do more.

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