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Thank You from Tanzania


Dr. Nick Campian forwarded these thanks to us:

Health Improvement Project Zanzibar works in partnership with the government of Zanzibar to help improve the level of healthcare on the island. HIPZ has helped with the renovation and improvement of facilities, provided equipment and staff training and has volunteer doctors working on the island. On behalf of HIPZ and all of the staff and patients at Makunduchi Hospital we would like to express our thanks to Pack for a Purpose and the guests who have donated much needed supplies to the hospital. Mark Dieler, owner of Red Monkey Lodge in Jambiani, has been instrumental in setting up the link with the hospital and helping guests who have participated in the Pack for a Purpose initiative to visit and see exactly where the donated items are being used.

Many thanks to Jörg Sannert, Dr. Vincent DiGregorio, Tilo Sigmund, and Alexis and Anne Inotay, who all have visited the hospital and donated items which directly help to improve the standard of healthcare on the island.

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