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100 Books, Innumerable Joy!

We’re delighted to share traveler Miki Parker Skeen’s story about her recent Pack for a Purpose contribution. Have you packed for a purpose recently? We’d love to hear your story!

My family recently visited the beautiful Caribbean islands of Turks and Caicos. As a future teacher, I was most excited about an excursion to a school on the island and hoped to make the most of this volunteer opportunity. Pack for a Purpose made it very easy to determine what the local schools needed most. At the top of the list for our destination: age appropriate books!

Our family of three condensed our luggage to two suitcases, freeing up one bag for the sole purpose of packing as many books as possible. Next, we began assembling our bookish baggage by scouring the shelves of the Goodwill Bookstore to find like new books. We emptied my gift closet stockpile, and when we ended up with 93 books. My six-year-old daughter rounded it up to an even 100 by donating a few of her own.

In the end, our school visit was canceled because of annual exams, but our vacation donation will make a difference in the lives of many students. Thank you, Pack for a Purpose for helping us help others. It was a vacation highlight!




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