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Pack for a Purpose featured on CBS This Morning

Pack for a Purpose is thrilled with the wonderful comments made by Peter Greenberg today on the CBS This Morning show. All of you who have packed for a purpose during the past two and one half years know, as Peter Greenberg said, we are A great resource. PfaP travelers can confirm Peter’s comments about the value of giving back.

As word continues to spread through the media, more travelers will Pack for a Purpose. Brides, business travelers and families going on vacation have an easy and convenient way, by using the resources on our website, to express their gratitude and make a Big Impact on local community projects across the globe.

Individuals do help make the world a better place! Thank you to all of you who have demonstrated this by packing for a purpose on your travels.

With enormous gratitude,
Rebecca Rothney

Read about it on Peter Greenberg’s site

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