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Elizabeth’s Story


When my husband and I made a reservation to stay at Nisbet Plantation on the island of Nevis in the West Indies, we were invited to bring school supplies. This seemed like a great idea because, as a former teacher, I know that a fresh box of crayons and new (rather than tattered) books help to raise students’ self esteem. This, in turn, contributes to learning – and isn’t that what schools are for? The night before our departure, I purchased a few pounds of pencils, pens, crayons and a San Diego pictorial calendar at the supermarket and tucked them in the corners of my suitcase. While we were staying at Nisbet Plantation, the General Manager drove us to the Violet O. Jeffers Nicholls Primary School where we met the head mistress, teachers, and several classrooms of kids. The students were shy at first, but the calendar was a good ice breaker. Pictures from the San Diego Zoo got them started talking about animals and before I knew it, we’d been there for over an hour. It was a great experience all around. It’s wonderful that Pack for a Purpose is making it easy for travelers to make a big difference by packing a few small things.

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