The “Eyes” Have It at Hacienda Chichen
It is so inspiring to know that there are so many people in the world dedicated to bettering the lives of their fellow man. I love to share and help those in need, as I am grateful for the many times I have found a caring hand when I needed one myself. Love is what moves my world.
Sharing and caring are two major forces that move the heart and soul of Pack for a Purpose and Hacienda Chichen Resort’s small, but very active, sustainable civil society: The Maya Foundation In Laakeech. Like many other organizations and civil societies around the world dedicated to charity and goodwill, our efforts and social volunteer work have helped improve the lives of many rural Mayan people in Yucatan, Mexico.
With the support of Pack for a Purpose, we have strongly broadened our outreach program for underprivileged rural Mayan children and their communities throughout the years. When Rebecca Rothney from Pack for a Purpose informed us that Patricia Kesten, President and Chief Design Officer of ICU Eyewear (based in CA), had contacted her to donate hundreds of reading glasses, or readers, prior to Christmas 2012, we were very impressed and happy with such a generous gift.
We moved to make all arrangements to have the readers arrive at the Hacienda Chichen in Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, with the support of our dear volunteer Isabel Gutierrez. It was wonderful to help and see many adults’ faces and smiles as they got tested and were given a pair of glasses that fit their needs.
Gratitude is the word I would choose to describe the spirit of those who had the opportunity to receive the amazing gift of readers. They tremendously improved many aspects of their lives and work.
I was surprised some young guys needed them so badly. 2.00 readers were given to a few of them that do desk work, and their smiles and gratitude were overwhelming as they confessed to having had heavy headaches after a day working on the computer trying to read. I was again surprised to see so many fully grateful for the gift, and many expressed:
Please thank those that have done this deed; we really are grateful! Some had no idea how natural it should be to actually read without mega efforts to see the text!!!
Generosity would be the word I would choose to describe the care and love that binds Pack for a Purpose and Hacienda Chichen as we continue to help many people in need on a daily basis.
We spread the news around the small rural villages to bring their elder family members early January, when we conducted an elders eye testing at our Dia de Los Reyes Magos Festival (a very important Mexican tradition to celebrate the 6th of January in honor of the three wise Kings that traveled to honor Jesus birth).
So many hearts and caring hands gave freely of their time and effort to make this donation a grand event, and the readers made so many people, artisans, healers, mothers, and grandparents, so happy. Seeing is such a gift!