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Gifting Holiday Cheer To Cristo Rey Primary School In Belize


Nestled in Belize’s Cayo District, Sweet Songs Jungle Lodge is a place of relaxation and community engagement. Beyond its serene ambiance, this eco-lodge embodies a deeper purpose rooted in the belief that travel should uplift the communities it touches. Sweet Songs has partnered with Pack for a Purpose (PfaP) since 2019, turning vacations into opportunities for meaningful contributions. The dedication to this cause only grows stronger fueled by the unwavering support of its guests.

Through the Pack For A Purpose program, Sweet Songs has cultivated deep connections with neighboring communities, channeling guest contributions toward enriching the lives of young students. Located south of San Ignacio along the Macal River, Cristo Rey Primary School caters to 200 children aged 1 to 12 in collaboration with parents to maximize student learning potential across its primary and preschool divisions.

This recent Christmas season, Sweet Songs orchestrated one of its most significant donations to date, thanks to the generosity of its guests. After gathering and sorting hundreds of pounds of essential supplies donated by guests, the team curated special packages for over 60 children at Cristo Rey Primary School. From school necessities to toys and clothing, the contributions ignited joy and excitement among these young students during the festive season.

The visit to Cristo Rey Primary School to deliver these donations was a special moment for the Sweet Songs team. The heartfelt gratitude from teachers and children underscored the impact of community-driven initiatives. The students were grateful for their school supplies and Christmas gifts and had the best time with the Sweet Songs team. Witnessing the smiles on their faces served as a reminder of the difference we can make when we come together with a common purpose.

As part of the Muy’Ono Resort Collection, Sweet Songs proudly upholds the core Travel Better values and commitment to initiatives, including the philanthropy program, which promises to leave positive impacts in the areas we serve. Through continuous guest support for Pack For A Purpose, Muy’Ono Resorts strive to create meaningful change in the lives of those in need.

Participating in Pack For A Purpose has allowed Muy’Ono to support local education like Cristo Rey Primary School and enriched the guest experiences. Knowing that their contributions make a direct, tangible difference in local communities adds depth and meaning to their vacations, transforming ordinary trips into unforgettable journeys of compassion.

In addition to supporting Pack For A Purpose programs like Cristo Rey School, Sweet Songs participates in Muy’Ono Resorts’ Nightly Donation program, where a portion of each night’s stay is donated, and guests can match it at checkout. Each resort donates monthly, partnering with organizations close to team members’ hearts to create meaningful change and transcend the boundaries of traditional hospitality.

As we continue our journey with Pack for a Purpose and other impactful initiatives, we invite Belize travelers to join us in leaving a positive footprint wherever we go. Together, we can make a world of difference, one thoughtful gesture at a time.

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