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PfaP Portraits

Megan Bahamonde
Pack for a Purpose was absolutely thrilled when Megan contacted us in September in 2012 to offer her talents and skills to Pack for a Purpose. Her work ethic is fabulous and the skills and dedication she brought to PfaP have been very useful. Like all our interns, she is always teaching Rebecca new computer tricks.

Megan is a senior at Meredith College studying Business Administration with minors in Economics and International Business. She has been very involved with all things international; she has studied abroad twice, is currently a member of the International Programs Committee, and occasionally recruits for the Meredith College study abroad programs. A professor at Meredith College referred Megan to Pack for a Purpose due to her international experiences and her similar goals. According to Megan, the time she has dedicated to this organization has been nothing but rewarding and she is very excited to see what the future holds for her.

Emily Ford (intern)
PfaP is over the moon to have Emily Ford as a student intern this semester. She is a senior at North Carolina State University, majoring in Communication and English with a minor in Spanish. We met her when we were exhibiting at a nonprofit career fair on NC State’s campus last spring. Emily is engaging in social media marketing, editing for our blogs and other publications including this newsletter, and learning more about how an international, digitally-based nonprofit operates.

On her campus, she is involved in the International Studies Club, in Lambda Pi Eta (the Communication Honor Society), and as a College of Humanities and Social Sciences ambassador. Right now, she is most excited about her travel plans to go to London this summer to attend the International Communication Association’s annual convention. In the upcoming fall, she will be attending the University of Texas in Austin for a graduate degree in Communication Studies. Until then, she has graciously and generously offered to continue her service to Pack for a Purpose as a volunteer through mid-July.

Lindsey Schaefer (volunteer)
Once again, the universe has gifted us with another amazing intern! Lindsey started volunteering for us in April and has offered her valuable time throughout the summer and perhaps beyond.

Lindsey Schaefer is a junior at North Carolina State University and is getting her degree in English-Creative Writing with a minor in Business Administration and Management. Lindsey found out about Pack for a Purpose during a conversation with Susan Katz, Director of the Internship Program at N.C. State. Lindsey was looking for a non-profit organization to get involved with over the summer and she felt like PfaP was the perfect fit for her. Volunteering for a non-profit that takes a global initiative to help others has always been an interest of Lindsey’s so she contacted Rebecca immediately. Lindsey has many interests, especially cooking, baking, traveling, animals, helping others, reading and writing. Lindsey is an avid traveler; she has been to eight countries in Europe and all over the United States. Her biggest dream is to travel to every continent.

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