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Anna’s Family Story

For the past several years, we have taken a winter cruise to the Caribbean. This year, my husband found the website Pack for a Purpose and we loaded up a small suitcase to capacity with supplies. When our cruise ship docked in St. Kitts, we took a private tour of the island with a stop at Ottley’s Plantation to drop off everything in the suitcase. We received the following email today:

Anna Seals' family in St. Kitts

“Dear Michael, Anna, Aaron and Melissa,

Greetings from St. Kitts.  

Yesterday morning I delivered your Pack for a Purpose goodies to the Joycelyn Mitcham Head Mistress of the Violet Petty Primary School in Lodge Village. There we ooohhhs and ahhhs as we laid it all out on the desk. I am sure they will be in contact with you themselves but I can tell you they were impressed by the care and thought which went into the selections and most appreciative of your kind donation.   

I took the attached photo of some of the older students and Headmistress Mitcham.

Children at the Violet Petty Primary school in St. Kitts

Thank you for going out of your way and taking time from your vacation to bring this to us at Ottley’s for the school. I am sure that if more people were as caring and generous as you folks then we would be on a path to solving many of the problems of the world.   

All the best from our family to yours,

Marty Lowell

Ottley’s Plantation Inn”

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