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Debbie and Walt’s Story

We Pack for a Purpose every trip out of country whether through this website or through our local dive shop.  We always top up every suitcase to our maximum weight and generally take at least 20 pounds. We have hauled clothes, shoes, medical supplies, and hygienic items.  Our most recent trip was to Grand Cayman and we were blessed to learn that WestJet allows a Humanitarian Bag (can’t include any other items) for FREE!  Wish all airlines would do this!! Thanks to WestJet, we were able to haul a total of 63 pounds of school supplies and baby clothes to the Cayman Islands. As noted in a thank you note we received from Miles Ruby, Programme Facilitator at the Family Resource Centre in George Town, “The clothes and primers will be helpful as we have several young mothers with two children who would benefit from both items.” In Grand Cayman, The Ritz Carlton is the place that collects donations from anyone coming to Cayman.  The Ritz Carlton was right next door to the Sunshine Suites where we were staying and their representative even came to pick up our supplies! So convenient and easy!!  Every pound truly makes a difference!  Please consider Packing for a Purpose every trip!!

The gathering and delivering is the most fun of all!! It’s in each of us to give.

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