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PfaP 3.0!

Pack for a Purpose is thrilled to announce that our new website is officially live! After months of brainstorming with our brilliant Board, web designer, and webmaster, and receiving great input from our amazing volunteers and interns, we happily present PfaP 3.0 .

Our new features enhance the ease with which travelers can access information, support our mission, and continue to make a Big Impact across the globe.

In addition to searching for accommodations and tour companies based on destination, you can also search based on what type of initiatives their projects support. That means whether you’re interested in supporting education, health, child welfare, animal welfare, or socioeconomic development, there is a destination in the world where you can Pack for a Purpose.


We are also very excited to announce the launch of our Shop  which was made possible by the generous time donated by our volunteer Tricia Midthun. You can purchase a variety of Pack for a Purpose merchandise there, including T-shirts, hoodies, pullovers, cinch sacks, and totes. If you have Packed for a Purpose in the past or are planning to Pack for a Purpose on your next trip, you can customize this T-shirt.


Whether you’re at home or traveling, you can help us spread the word and support us by purchasing items from our shop.

In addition to purchasing Pack for a Purpose merchandise, you can also choose to support us through AmazonSmile, our eBay page, and Cards for Causes. For those of you who love a great read, you can purchase “Beyond the Mountaintop,” an inspirational novel with 100 percent of its proceeds benefiting Pack for a Purpose and Make a Difference.

We would like to give a special thanks to Erik Macenas, our web designer, and Justin Scheef, our webmaster, who have both volunteered so much of their time over the past five years to design and redesign twice the Pack for a Purpose website. Their dedication and expertise continue to make Pack for a Purpose as user-friendly and effective as possible. Truly this website could not have been created without their commitment to our organization and its mission.

With the strong advocacy of Pack for a Purpose travelers who share our website across their social media and bloggers and the press who continue to inform their readers about our mission, we look forward to the time when Pack for a Purpose will be the first go-to website for travelers!

PfaP reach map

When travelers Pack for a Purpose, the trip they take goes much farther than the miles they travel.

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