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PfaP by the Numbers: How It All Adds Up

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At Pack for a Purpose, numbers are valuable. Each kilo of supplies, each new destination, each hour of volunteer time—they all add up to keep Pack for a Purpose thriving and continuing to have a Big Impact worldwide.

Because each needs list is specific to each accommodation, every kilo of supplies that travelers take makes a difference. During the second trimester of 2015, from May through August, travelers took over 6,650 kilos to their destinations, meeting essential needs in local communities around the world. That’s nearly a 20 percent increase from the number of kilos taken by travelers during this same time last year.

Since June, we have welcomed 35 new participants (more than 70 so far in 2015) meaning there are now more than 475 accommodations and tour companies where you can Pack for a Purpose!

Pack for a Purpose is thankful for our volunteers who donated over 1,250 hours of their time to improving PfaP from June through September.

The last number is in the millions—millions of thanks to travelers, volunteers, and participants who are all contributing to a positive outcome for communities across the globe.

While we have talked about additions so far, we know that in the months and years ahead, we will multiply the numbers in every category. We want to especially thank our PfaP travelers for multiplying the number of supplies and our volunteers for multiplying our reach by keeping our website current and optimized.

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