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Villa Verano + PfaP = A Win-Win

Located on the beach in Hopkins, Belize, Villa Verano is a luxurious 10-room villa with full-service amenities. The small community where we are located is home to a diverse group of people willing to share their home with visitors. As with any small community, there are needs, and Villa Verano often works together with the residents in the hope of contributing in a meaningful and effective way. Villa Verano guests find it very fulfilling to give back while on vacation, and we’ve made it easy for them to do so by partnering with Pack for a Purpose.

We often facilitate generous donations from our guests, but last month, a group of women generously donated approximately 80 pounds of school supplies for our primary school and medical supplies for the Humane Society. The Hopkins community and Villa Verano are sincerely grateful for this donation.

Villa Verano photo

By allowing travelers to make a lasting impact in the community of their travel destination, guests feel fulfilled, and residents are grateful for the assistance, a win-win situation. This makes a priceless impact in the lives of our local children and families.

The primary school of Hopkins Village, Holy Family R.C., is open to the public and managed by the Catholic Church. The school is run on a limited budget and quite often the students and classrooms are in need of basic school supplies. Additionally, the school continues to raise funds for a fully equipped computer lab so that computer and Internet skills can be taught from an early age.

The Hopkins branch of the Belize Humane Society is another worthy association we support. Although it’s well established, ongoing support is necessary and much appreciated. Throughout the year, Villa Verano offers free housing to visiting veterinary teams; however, other needs, such as supplies and medicine, are areas in which our guests can participate.

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