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Christy’s Story

10 Things I loved about Pack for a Purpose:

1) It is an amazing way to give back to the local community in Jamaica

2) The needs specific to the area are listed on the website so you bring items that are truly needed

3)  I love the name “Pack for a Purpose” because there is true meaning in what you are packing for the recipients

4) I was able to shop for items at home and bring them with me on the trip so I wasn’t shopping in unfamiliar territory in a foreign country

5) Packing for a Purpose brought more meaning to my trip because I knew I wasn’t just doing something for myself, but for others

6) It makes me feel fulfilled to give back and know I made someone’s life a little happier with items they needed

7) I loved the backpack and brochures that were sent to the bloggers of Social Media on the Sand before our Beaches Negril trip. The backpack was useful in supplying a place to put the items I was bringing and the brochure explained the mission of Pack for a Purpose and Sandals Foundation involvement. The information gave me purpose and a mission to find things that I knew the kids really needed

8) Pack for a Purpose became even more special when we were able to go on the Reading Road Trip and visit a local Jamaican elementary school and see their environment first hand

9) There is not a better feeling than to bring a smile to someone’s face

10) I can’t wait to do it again because it was such an incredible experience and now I can spread the word and tell others to Pack for a Purpose when they visit countries they work with!

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