A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »

Linda’s Story

Do you ever bring gifts for your hosts when you travel and then luxuriate in the emptiness of your case on the way home? We had the exceptional good luck to run across Pack for a Purpose before we left on our last trip to Namibia. Our gifts for our hosts filled every nook and cranny of our cases without falling afoul of any TSA carry-on rules! There were erasers in our socks, pencils in our shoes, pens in our underwear, and other school supplies in every possible space, all destined for the Marienfluss Mobile School, a small primary school for nomadic Himba children from ages 6 – 11.

The Himba people have traditionally not sent their children to school (particularly the girls!), but because of the Marienfluss school, that is changing. We were delighted to be able to support their mission.Since school was not in session when we were there,  thanks are due to the kind staff of Wilderness Safari’s Serra Cafema Camp who delivered our supplies even though the school was 60 km away

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