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Magic in the Mara from PfaP Travelers

A touristic visit in the heart of Africa brings back home unforgettable memories of wildlife sightings, and incredible moments in the wilderness of Kenya.  Guests enjoy the delicious meals cooked at the camps, the adventurous safaris across the plains, the thrilling visits of the Maasai villages and the casual relaxing moments at the camps.

There is so much more going on behind the scenes in the Maasai Mara.  The Maasai are an ethnic group with distinctive customs and dress, which are part of the various communities that exist in and around the game reserve.  Access to what we see, as normal routine in our daily lives, is limited.  Students learn under trees, medical supplies are inadequate, school supplies is scant and children play football with a ball of elephant dung.

As we exist in the Maasai Land, it becomes our responsibility to give back.  It is an opportunity to change a child’s life, and touch another’s soul.  Through the immense support of our guests, who stay with us at Ilkeliani Camp near Talek, and those who move in temporarily at Entim Camp in the heart of the Mara, we are able to continue to change lives. We are able to help provide the children of the Moilbanny primary school with what they need – whether it comes in the form of school supplies such as markers, crayons, notebooks, compasses, or flash cards or even educational games.

Two years ago, Entim Mara began a project with one of its loyal photo guides to build a school structure for the Moilbanny Primary School.  The school would cater to 200 students and would become the centerfold for education in this part of the Maasai Mara. The contributions from Pack for Purpose travelers, and the set structure for the Moilbanny Primary School will surely be an epitome of educational progress in this remote village in a corner of one of the world’s greatest game reserves – The Maasai Mara.

The continuous contribution from our guests allows these children to remain steadfast in their education d to continue learning.  It is also a great experience to watch these children receive gifts that they can use and learn from.

 Being a participant of the Pack for a Purpose has created a desperate awareness for the hunger for education that children in the villages have.  People take this for granted – it is not just a safari, but it can become a holiday that changes your life and affects the life of a young child.  Who knows – the young person that you help educate may become the next president of Kenya!

 So why not make your safari experience even better by joining Entim Camp and Ilkeliani Camp as they create a path for education for the children of Africa

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