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PfaP Supplies Support Science at Shiva Shakti School in Nepal

Tiger Mountain Pokhara Lodge in Nepal joined Pack for a Purpose in 2010. With the recent increases in tourism to Nepal, we are seeing a great boost to the supplies for our local schools – currently our focus is on Shiva Shakti Primary School. Our tourist season runs from September to June and, since September 2017 we have received almost 27kg of requested supplies– books, pencils, calculators, flash cards, maps and even a wonderful microscope. In a poor country where everyone wants more government budget, schools lack the funding they need to perform well. In this sense the generosity of our guests is invaluable to provide equipment, stationery and similar items to help the teachers help the children. Guests come from all over the world, this season donations have been mainly from USA and UK. We love the simplicity of the Pack for a Purpose concept and the means for us to reach out to travellers and to inspire them to help.

Working in tandem with Pack for a Purpose is another great organisation, People and Places, who specialise in responsible volunteer placements – there is too much irresponsible volunteering alas – and these two organisations provide a range of support to the pupils as noted above and our volunteers work to mentor teachers and thus enhance teaching skills.

Tiger Mountain is honoured to work with Pack for a Purpose in support of Shiva Shakti School.

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