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Sherry’s Story

Top Bucket List Trip Meant More Than Expected

My husband and I have dreamed about taking a trip to Africa. After searching for just the perfect trip for over five years, we finally found it. We wanted almost exclusively safaris which we found in Kenya and Tanzania.  We planned it 8 months in advance which gave us enough time to secure school supplies for a school in Kenya where we were traveling.  We had heard of PfaP when we were in Jamaica and had been able to take supplies on a prior trip to Montego Bay. We raised enough money to pack 150 pounds of school supplies for the Mara BushTops in Kenya.

We were met at a Kenyan hotel where the supplies were picked up and trucked out to the school. When the children went back to school in the fall, they had many of the supplies, maps, pencils etc. that they needed. It is always such a joy to travel AND give back at the same time.

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