A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »

Samantha’s Story

My free day in Arusha (I actually drug along some friends I made on my G trip as they were waiting for an evening flight) I/we visited Baraa Primary School in the Moshono area of Arusha. First we shopped for the school’s newly begun “art program”. We were able to purchase some paints, paintbrushes, colored pencils, paper and a variety of other items to help them get the program started.

Then we delivered the supplies to the school and were given a tour by the school’s project coordinator. Patrick showed us around the school, explained to us the new projects they’ve been working on and the struggles the school faces on a day to day basis. The primary school (grades K-8) has about 2000 students…and 80 children PER CLASSROOM…so you can only imagine what those struggles might be.

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