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Samantha’s Story

While we save and sacrifice to make our annual family Turks & Caicos vacation possible and love the bubble of ease and luxury and fun that our resort provides, it’s important for us to remember (and most importantly teach our children) that no matter where you are in the world, you can always help: whether financially, in-kind or even with your time.

It is often difficult to see how (or whether) your donations make it into the hands of those in need and PfaP makes it so simple to do just that.

Particularly post-Irma and Maria we were grateful to have been able to directly help some of the schools by filling a suitcase with items from their lists, however I didn’t realize just how rewarding the preparation would be.  The excitement our kids showed at collecting supplies, the questions they asked about why we would need to pack Band-Aids and antibiotic cream – and then seeing the wheels turning, making connections in their minds when we visited a local school and found so many similarities among all of the children – and glaring differences in resources and amenities – was a special moment to witness as a parent and has been part of a broader and ongoing conversation.  It feels selfish to feel so good and to have gained so much by doing something this simple.   Plans are well underway for this year’s donation.


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