A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »

Gary and Lois Moglovkin’s Story

We became aware of Pack for a Purpose while on the Mashatu Game Reserve website. We were extremely impressed with the amazing charitable program and knew we wanted to participate somehow. Since Mashatu was the last stop of our trip, we planned to bring supplies to The Silo Hotel, which supports the Cape Town project, “Friends of Child Protection”. A few weeks before leaving, we purchased many items on their list of needs and filled a duffle bag weighing 25 pounds. We delivered the duffle bag full of supplies to The Silo Hotel drop off point. David, the assistant manager of The Silo was extremely excited and appreciative of our donation. Of course, we were very happy to contribute to such a worthy cause. We plan to inform friends and family of your program so they can also Pack for a Purpose!

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