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PfaP Travelers Bridge the Gap

Entreamigos is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to be a bridge between the local community and culture by creating educational opportunities for children and families in San Francisco (San Pancho) Nayarit, Mexico. Entreamigos provides an established community center dedicated to increase learning opportunities for local children and families through the implementation of educational programs based on integration and collective community action.

Pack for a Purpose via San Pancho Rentals & Real Estate has been a great help to Entreamigos, as they get the word out to the global traveling community, regarding what items are needed to help support the children and families of San Pancho. This is in turn is filling a huge gap between potential donors and Entreamigos. Before PfaP, many tourists used the phrase “if only I had known what you needed when I was packing.”  Now, thanks to PfaP and San Pancho Rentals & Real Estate for spreading the word to all of their in-coming guests, many travelers are coming to San Pancho with suitcases filled with helpful supplies.

How it works – San Pancho Rentals & Real Estate sends a letter to each and every one of their incoming guests describing PfaP and asking for a small donation for Entreamigos that fits into their suitcase. The response has been staggering. Guests have been extremely generous and thoughtful bringing myriads of necessary items in their already loaded suitcases. For example, items collected have been school supplies, art supplies, books, soccer balls, first aid supplies and back packs, as well as cash donations and even laptop computers, tablets and more!

Many of the school supplies needed to attend public school in Mexico are not provided by the school district and so it becomes an added cost to the families, many of which are not able to incur that expense.  Entreamigos hosts an annual school supply give-away in August with all of the donations that are received throughout the year. In August of 2018, Entreamigos was able to give backpacks and full sets of supplies to 257 San Pancho students!  Additionally, donations made through PfaP support the Entreamigos’ ReciclaShop, a creative gift shop with all recycled products. The RecyclaShop serves both to help sustain the important work of Entreamigos and by providing quality clothing and appliances at a lower cost to the community.

Entreamigos is able to offer two art classes a week that over 30 children attend free of cost due to the art supply donations that have been received. Additional to the art classes, Entreamigos offers an annual children’s art festival and summer camp that is filled with different art technique classes.  All of these classes are made possible through donations from Pack for a Purpose, everything from paints and paintbrushes to containers and other materials that can be used to create something new.

Pack for a Purpose also benefits Entreamigos’ social assistance program. The social assistance program is designed to support members of the community with low economic resources by providing them with clothing, medical supplies, toiletries, walkers, crutches and more. Through donations from Pack for a Purpose, Entreamigos has been able to provide several families with clothing, Christmas gifts, toothbrushes, and met many other needs as well!

Words are not enough to thank all of the generous, thoughtful, unselfish individuals who have brought donations to make this meaningful endeavor succeed. It is felt by all involved that Pack for a Purpose in collaboration with San Pancho Rentals & Real Estate has effectively bridged the gap between travelers coming to San Pancho, Mexico wanting to make a positive difference in the lives of others who are less fortunate. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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