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Gratitude Crosses Borders Through PfaP Travelers

A BIG THANK YOU to Jacqui Romer and her family and friends.

In June 2019 we were contacted by awesome people that asked us how they could donate supplies for one of the pre-schools that we have been building with our Bush Ways Foundation here in Botswana. After a few emails we found out that they were a group of 6 vehicles from South Africa self-driving through Botswana. They were looking for a project that they could support here while at the same time enjoying the beauty of our country. When I spoke to Jacqui she told me that they found out about us on the Pack for a Purpose website.  This shows again what an amazing initiative Pack for a Purpose is as it makes it easier for travelers to find a way to give back to the communities they are travelling to. Jacqui and her friends and family were not travelling with us but they learned about what we are doing through the PfaP website and that’s wonderful!

While passing through the village of Khwai on their way to Savuti, Jacqui’s group came to visit us at our Day Care Center to donate all the things they brought from their homes for the teacher of the pre-school. Everybody was just overwhelmed by the generosity and the number of supplies they brought with them. The pre-school now has new books, pencils, toys, soccer balls and, countless more items.

Beauty, our camp manager at Sango Safari Camp, which is located in Khwai, met the group and helped to coordinate everything. Jacqui and all her friends were so impressed by what the teachers do and achieve in Khwai and also by the warm welcome they received by everyone in the village. People are very grateful and appreciate all the help they can get. And so do we at Bush Ways Foundation!

Thank you again to Jacqui and Pack for a Purpose for making this happen!

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