In Rememberance
Cindy Wittmer, my cherished friend and Pack for a Purpose Board member, lost her 16 year battle with breast cancer on July 20th. Cindy was courageous beyond words and inspired me daily.
Cindy was a valued Board member who also provided pro bono legal counsel for PfaP. She and her husband John Sarratt Packed for a Purpose on their trip to St Lucia and she encouraged her daughter Joncie and her fiancé Scott to do the same on their trip to Costa Rica.
Cindy was one of those special people. She was thoughtful, extremely intelligent, insightful, amazingly multi-talented, and had a compassionate heart. Knowing Cindy made me a better person. Cindy always gave me well thought out and measured responses whenever I asked her for her guidance. I am finding it difficult to write about Cindy in the past tense as she seems so present to me.
Cindy and I shared the belief that “joy changes everything”. Even though I no longer have the joy of her physical presence, her calm voice, and easy smile, I am certain that her spirit is still part of the goodness in the universe. I celebrate each wonderful experience I have knowing Cindy is part of it.
Cindy had many demands on her time, but was most generous with her commitment to PfaP. She and her husband John donated funds to register our trademark. She also made annual Board contributions and raised additional funds in creative ways.
Cindy will be greatly missed but her wisdom will continue to guide me. I wish each of you reading this a friend who will enhance your life as much as Cindy enhanced mine. I am now, and will be forever grateful to have had Cindy as a friend.