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Sandos Hotels & Resorts & Their Guests, Through PfaP, Give “More Than Just a Smile”

On Mexico’s latest Three King’s Day (a Santa Claus-like local celebration), the Sandos Hotels & Resorts staff and guests visited a small community in Quintana Roo with the aim of giving “More than just a smile.” We thought that on this particularly special day, kids in the community deserved a special gift. Volunteers arrived at the community with, what seemed like to the children, an endless amount of traditional and locally handcrafted toys! Every child rushed to grab their special toy leaving with a smile that could reach the moon. That is when our guests and staff knew: sometimes the little things make a huge difference, and the desire to provide even more help grew stronger among the volunteers.

One of the main goals at Sandos Hotels and Resorts is not only to provide the best vacation experience for its guests, but also to do so while supporting and respecting the local environment, culture, and community. Whether it is environmental issues, supporting local cultures, or helping the development of a community, we genuinely believe in the power of making a difference. Unfortunately, the communities surrounding our resorts are living without some of the basic necessities of life, but we aim to change that. That is why we have partnered up with Pack for a Purpose. Not only do they help us make a difference within local communities, but they help us, our staff, and our guests learn and believe in the power of helping those in need!

As a hotel chain, we continuously ask future guests from around the world to help us in the journey towards being a more united, healthy, and generous world by bringing any extra clothing, school supplies, and/or basic items that they can part with! Not only does Sandos accept donations to support local social causes, but throughout the year, Sandos collects  numerous items donated by its guests and goes on brigades to officially give these items to those in need!

One of the best examples of these brigades is in the communities of the Zona Maya. As education for children is very important to us, our guests and staff went hand-in-hand to the schools of these communities to donate school supplies such as pencils, notebooks, backpacks, and other important supplies. The joy that showed on the children’s faces was incomparable to anything else, and it only fueled our drive to continue making a difference in others’ lives!

Not only were guests and staff able to enjoy the sight of the children picking out and opening their supplies, but they also spent the day with the children getting to know their customs, playing their games, reading with them, and learning about their culture. A truly powerful adventure!

Pack for a Purpose does so much more than provide supplies for those in need. Without them, the endless memories, lessons, and journeys that each and every one of our volunteers’ experience would never be possible! Not only does this program confirm our belief that even on vacation we can make a difference, but it proves that no matter where you come from, we are all able to help and give back to those in need!

At Sandos Hotels & Resorts we are extremely happy and grateful to be part of the Pack for a Purpose Program, as it continually drives us to keep on going! Thanks to Pack for a Purpose, we continue to get more donations and even more support from our guests and staff every year, showing the true power of a smile! We are also so incredibly proud to have the best staff and guess in the world, as together we are making a difference, and without them, none of this would be possible!

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