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Pack for a Purpose Travelers Spread Happiness in Hopkins, Belize

A majority of our guests are from America and those that normally bring donations are teachers, librarians, doctors, and families that have children in school. These donors always have kind hearts and share their kindness through items they pack and bring to Belize.

There are many reasons why they donate.   First, they donate because of the Pack for a Purpose email. They may have children or believe in giving to the local community of Hopkins.

This has created a bond with our visitors and the community where they travel. Some guests that donate get invited to teachers meetings or even get invited to the entire day of their teaching schedule.

Pack for a Purpose is very important for us.  This initiative creates strong ties with the community and the resort. The guests see we care about the community and we don’t just have visitors to our resort – rather friends of the village. Our guests donate hundreds of pounds of items each year through the program to our partner, Miss Bertie’s Hopkins Library. We will only see this number grow in the future.

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