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Amee’s Story

For the past 20 years, I have been fortunate enough to travel around the USA and Mexico.

I have often eaten at wonderful restaurants, stayed at lavish properties, and spent money on silly trinkets that I didn’t really need. When reflecting back on some of the areas I’ve traveled to and people less fortunate, I felt that I’d really like to do something to help.

While planning a Caribbean cruise with family and friends, I was hopeful I could find a way to really help others. I did some research and found Pack for A Purpose. I reviewed their request items lists and locations and was excited to see that Roatan, Honduras was an option because our cruise stopped there. Donating school supplies to local children sounded fantastic!

A few months prior to leaving, I collected supplies from myself and friends, informing them of the great cause. I was able to collect everything on the list and more. When I gathered everything, the supplies filled up half of my suitcase, leaving only half for my belongings for vacation. At least I was going somewhere warm and was packing only swimsuits and shorts, so I’d make it work!

Once at port, my donation drop off to Bananarama was only a short cab ride through town. I felt very safe and was excited to see the less touristy parts of the country. I got to know my cab driver and had great conversation. He was a father of three and grandfather of 8. One of his daughters was a school teacher and he couldn’t wait to tell her about my story. He smiled from ear to ear and said she would be beyond grateful for my donation. It was such a coincidence and made my day to hear that!

Dropping off the supplies went well and the staff was all very appreciative. I will definitely be Packing for a Purpose again! It was such a rewarding experience to truly help out!

Thank you Pack for a Purpose!


Amee Kuehlem

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