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Maison Dalabua Guests Give Back to Lao Schools

Maison Dalabua is a proud member of Pack for a Purpose. This past month we celebrated our first year of supporting two schools and contributing to the educational development of Laos. Through this project, children ages 4 through 12, in two surrounding villages, benefit from the provisions that their schools receive. Khok Kham village school is located north of Luang Prabang, 2 hours upstream on the Mekong; south, is Phonesai village school, a 30-minute downstream boat ride away.

Between these two schools, 80 children are supported through the help of the Pack for a Purpose initiative and of course, the contributions of our generous guests. These projects would not have been possible without the support of the foreign and local visitors of Maison Dalabua. Every 2 to 3 months, the donations received are collected and distributed to the schools through an exchanging cultural interaction. Many donors come along to the activities to meet and connect with the students to whom they are aiding.

Contributing to the education of the young Lao generation is the key for the sustainable development and improvement in the livelihoods of the Lao communities. Children are the seeds of the future. By providing both the teachers and the students with scholastic materials and supplies, their learning environment is enriched immensely. The education of these young citizens benefits them with an ocean of acquired knowledge, therefore, providing more opportunities in their future. Education allows us to widen our borders and see the magnitude of the world with its infinite possibilities.

It is very gratifying to witness this purposeful traveling culture among the world. Traveling has expanded the human mind and created a wider sense of community by merging cultures. At Maison Dalabua we aim to serve our guests as a platform towards the cultural exchange they desire. Our biggest reward is knowing that our boutique heritage oasis in the middle of Luang Prabang, attracts meaningful travelers that want to give back and generate a big impact on the communities they visit.

Our projects have benefited greatly from the donations provided by our guests. Items such as color pencils, notebooks, puzzles, educational toys, flipcharts to even toothpaste and toothbrushes, have reached the schools. Thanks to the generosity of our visitants, Maison Dalabua was granted the opportunity to expand into helping an additional institution for the deaf and mute children in Luang Prabang. The success that our projects have received during this first year, motivates us to look forward to the years to come ahead. For all of this, we are extremely grateful to our guests and their aids.

During this uncertain global situation, humanity is undergoing how connected we all are and the value of our everyday social interactions. This is a time to reevaluate priorities, to acknowledge and be grateful for the abundance in life. Many people around the world do not count with access to the commodities others have. Uniting cultures with respect towards each other and helping out as however it is possible, will benefit us all with a higher collective frequency.

Together, we will overcome this pandemic. Our social interactions and movements around the world, will be seen through different eyes; eyes of compassion, tolerance and gratitude. We encourage you to change your perspective of traveling. Give back to the less fortunate and experience the personal satisfaction of beneficially impacting a fellow human´s life. Don´t stop dreaming about your upcoming travels and if you would grant us the honor to have you as our guest – don´t forget to Pack for a Purpose!

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