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Giltedge Africa Clients Give Generously Making Their Travel More Meaningful

Some of the kids from Emmanuel Educare, their teachers and our staff on our recent trip to drop off our clients’ donations.

We are immensely grateful for our partnership with Pack for a Purpose and the opportunities they provide us and our clients to assist those in need. In the last years we’ve seen an increase of interest from travellers in uplifting local communities and Pack for a Purpose has provided them with an easy way to contribute to our underprivileged youth.

Giltedge Africa has partnered with the NPO “Westlake United Church Trust” in Cape Town. They run the Emmanuel Educare Pre-School that’s situated in a small pocket of low-income houses near our head office. This incredible pre-school serves around 180 children aged 3 to 6 years. We’re proud to support this local registered pre-school, which does great work in providing the children with the best possible start to their education.

The kids love receiving art supplies and books! A book is a rare and treasured item.

A staff of 12 teachers and training assistants look after 6 classes, with no more than 30 children per class. Each child is also given two meals (and nutritious snacks) daily. Based on the great foundation laid at Emmanuel Educare, many children have gone on to excel both academically and in other fields such as dance.

Recently a client of ours and his family brought some fun toys and educational items along in their luggage for this pre-school. These small tokens mean so much to the kids and the local community – they feel special and cared for! Especially when we tell the kids that a big plane came all the way from the United States or Europe to bring them toys or pens or books or balls.

Just some of the toys, books and educational materials that our clients brought along in their luggage.

Pack for a Purpose gives our clients a chance to be part of a good cause and helps these wonderfully bright children. It’s become much easier for us to assist the underprivileged in our community! We have received so much insight into the operations and great organisational skills of those unsung heroes constantly working behind the scenes to provide for the needy.

Giltedge Africa’s partnership with Pack for a Purpose has helped us uplift the communities close to our hearts. It continues to encourage travellers to give back and reach out to NPOs who are in need in Africa.


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