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Paulette’s Story

PfaP’s participants’ commitment to communities continues during the time of COVID. Paulette’s story below is a wonderful example of the commitment our participants have to the community projects they support. This past year saw tremendous challenges in the travel community and for the entire planet. We are so honored at Pack for a Purpose to promote the work of SOLEQ.travel and its dedication to the community. Below is a statement from their General Manager, Diego Arias Leon. 

“Our commitment to our project continues despite the pandemic. It is an honor to belong to PfaP and try to change people’s consciousness and thinking and that with their trip they can more than distract themselves, help, with the theme of the Refuge of Dreams, I do it with great pleasure, because I believe in the project, I believe in the people who work there and in the children who want to get ahead. I sincerely hope that tourism reactivates to continue contributing.”

Just before the pandemic hit, my husband and I were very fortunate to visit the Galapagos in February, 2020. We had a quick visit in Quito, Ecuador before flying to the Islands.

SOLEQ.travel is a tour company in Quito that supports a local social project called Refuge of Dreams. The tour company’s economic assistance provided much needed maintenance to the building which offers a safe haven for children who suffer from severe poverty, abuse and dangers on the streets. SOLEQ.travel encourages tourists to bring educational supplies for the children assisted at the Refuge.

The picture above shows me standing beside the items that I packed into a carry-on bag and took to Quito. Diego, the General Manager at SOLEQ, is passionate about helping others. He was super accommodating and very conscientious about taking care of our bag of supplies. For the past year, due to the pandemic, the refuge temporarily changed their operations to provide food for the parents of the children that participate in the Refuge of Dreams. Recently the educational children’s program was able to start up again, and our bag was safely delivered to the Refuge. Diego was thoughtful enough to have a picture taken (below), complete with pandemic-era mask attire.

As you can see in the picture below, we thoroughly enjoyed our vacation in Ecuador. Bringing a few supplies was the least we could do to show our gratitude and concern for those less fortunate.

“You think that you’re just a drop in the ocean but think of the ripple effect one drop can make.”

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