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Gracious Guests Bring Magic to the Fairmont Mayakoba as PfaP Travelers

The Fairmont Mayakoba became a participant on the Pack for a Purpose website over 9 years ago. All the magic really starts with the generosity of our gracious guests. For the Pack for a Purpose program to be successful at the Fairmont Mayakoba, our guests must choose to make space in their luggage to include one or more requested items from our needs list. By Packing for a Purpose, our guests truly make a Big Impact to the local community they visit. Our guests have packed over 1,000 kilos of supplies for the projects we support in our community.

In turn, our guests give us, at the Fairmont Mayakoba Hotel, the opportunity to contribute to this noble work. We have the pleasure of delivering the supplies to the communities or to the animals shelters that have rescued pets from the streets.

In 2015, employees at Senn Delaney attended a company meeting which was held at the Fairmont Mayakoba. After learning about Pack for a Purpose, many eager employees decided to pack a few supplies in their luggage. In total, they donated 180 kilos of Pack for a Purpose supplies! The supplies were delivered to three of the projects supported by the Fairmont Mayakoba at the time: Save the Children, Dr. Sonrisas, and the Playa Animal Rescue.

By Packing for a Purpose, the employees were able to enrich the community of Quintana Roo. Individually, each employee only packed a few kilos of supplies, but collectively, they made a Big Impact. As Rich Crafton stated about his PfaP experience:

“The Pack for a Purpose event really made this meeting more special for me. As I was preparing and packing for the meeting, I was reminded that I was taking part in something bigger than just my company’s meeting.”

Additionally, thanks to Pack for a Purpose, the Fairmont Mayakoba Hotel can directly participate with community projects through donations. Many of our employees, which we call Heartists, assist with delivering the supplies, thus connecting with the community directly.

The four projects we currently support have benefited the communities with which the hotel works with in a positive way. Pack for a Purpose travelers have provided the projects with items for school children in vulnerable communities. Even during this global pandemic, local communities continue to do amazing work with all the appropriate sanitary measures. They serve communities with small populations and limited resources. They provide an education and basic necessities to the children of these populations.

Similarly, animal shelters continue to operate in a normal way, with sanitary measures, so they still need food and items for pets that are kept safe while a family is found to adopt them.

Pack for a Purpose is a beautiful and impactful program, as it allows our guests and employees to generously connect with the community.

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